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" Expressing your truth",what do you mean with that?


Expressing; doing what feels right for you, which could also be doing nothing for instance:)-.

Truth: that what results amongst others in ease, inner peace, joy, faith and flow.

On a physical level for me it feels like champagne fizzing inside. 

Other expressions of the same could be for instance: 

what your heart, intuition, gut feeling, higher self or inner voice says. 



What is your background?


I completed a sound and diverse range of solid studies. However my real joy and quality is

about me being myself in the first place. Of course, whenever beneficial,

I will use and share the tools I have learned and share the experiences/realisations life brought me. 


Educational background: Master degree in Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. Completed various solid educations in intuitive development, in Reading & Healing studies and in more shamanistic and women spiritual oriented studies in the Netherlands and abroad, in Italy, Bali and West- England, including a five day vision quest on Crete. Last year, 

learned about emotions at the Emotion Centre with Vera Helleman.


Work experience: international and internal communication, followed by nature coaching for individuals and small groups, transformation workshops, readings, souldrawings and interactive lectures at LevensSpel/ Sannevancouwelaar for 21 years.  



Some more of you?


Apart from opening up people to themselves, I open up lightportals on different places on earth. ​

Feeling great joy, fulfilment and gratefulness in both.


I love enjoying my loved ones, my senses, dancing, painting, traveling and nature.

I live with my family in the centre of the Netherlands in the surroundings of Utrecht. 



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